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Join the Club

Runners and walkers

Family friendly, we support and encourage runners and walkers of all ages and abilities. 



We operate all year round with a selection of road, cross country and trail events and distance options. 

We take safety seriously. First Aid kits and a defibrillator are on hand. Courses are well marked and all short courses for younger participants are off-road.

Contact â€‹

Carol MacDonald (027 2893404)


Harriers Committee

Chairperson: Carol MacDonald

Section Delegate to ACM: Brent Register

GR Series Convenor: Darius and Megan Simpson

Cross Country Series Convenors: Claudia Baechle & Roger Jones

Special Events Organiser: Carol MacDonald

Interclub Events organisers: Ray Haste & David Farlow

5 km series Convenor: TBC

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