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Harriers Calendar

Click on underlined dates to go to event details which are posted closer to the time.

Dates in blue are inter-club and other events ACM members often participate in.

Ruamahanga Ramblers have Tuesday night summer runs and winter cross county events on alternative Sundays



12 - 5km 1

25 - Jumbo Holdsworth

26 - 5km 2

February â€‹

9  - 5km 3

23 - 5km 4


6 - 5km 7

13 - 5km 8

25 - ANZAC race

27 - XC1


11 - XC2

24 - Vosseler Shield

25  - XC3



7 - Dorne Cup

8 - XC4​

22 - XC5

29 - WLG Marathon 

July â€‹

5 - Nth Is XC Champs

6 - XC6

20 - XC7 & Champs

20 - Wellington XC Champs 


September â€‹

7 - GR2

21 - GR3

28 -  WLG marathon Champs (Hutt)

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